The BrainTrust

Every good idea needs a machine to make it become a reality. That is where TMI is ready to step in. In reality, each department is stand-alone, such that any idea, invention, or need for software or hardware can immediately enter into the machine where it is ready to go. However, that is where TMI is unique, in that one doesn't simply walk from one department to the other, the machine takes its own course. An idea that seems great, might be made better in Inception, or might meet a stone wall of objections and pitfalls in The Department of Reality, or may need additional tweaking once The Grind sees additional potential for other applications or notes an issue with cost or it may run into a pre-existing patent in The Department of Conformity or it could even be ready for manufacture and/ or distribution once Fruition sees it. Or, it may fold back and forth through the departments several times before it is where you need it to be.


Getting Started

The Best Place to Begin

The only way you'll know if you what you think is a great idea or the thing or application that you have a need for is viable is to get in contact with us to have a conversation. There is no need for slide shows and graphs and charts or even prototypes. If you already have some, great! We'd love to see them. If not, no worries...(We'll get to those eventually.)

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